Protecting your privacy is paramount

Protecting your data is important to Hectare and we want you to know in plain English, how we manage your data and keep it safe.

Data ownership

By using our products, you give us permission to access non-aggregated data that may contain information that can identify a person such as a telephone number, postal or email address. You own your data. Hectare will only use data the owner gives us permission to use and will delete any identifiable data should you end the relationship with us.

Data storage

Data is stored in the cloud using Amazon Web Services that meet or exceed industry standards. Hectare takes security measures to protect the privacy and security of your data and we regularly review our security measures to continue to keep your data safe. In the event of a natural disaster, data breach, or other unforeseen event that causes your data to be compromised, we will notify you in accordance with our privacy policy.

How we use your data

We collect platform usage statistics, performance metrics, etc. to help with the continued development of new features, security, reliability and other platform improvements. We will only use anonymised aggregated platform usage data in order to provide and improve the services to you. We may also interpret the aggregated data in order to publish reports which benefit the owner of the data and any data published will always be anonymised and de-identified. None of this data is ever identifiable to a specific person or customer and we do not allow our customer’s data to be used for the purposes of promotion or selling products and services.

Let’s chat and see what we can do together